What is Hibiscus Focus?
Hibiscus Focus is a newsletter started as part of our IB CAS project. CAS encourages students to take on meaningful projects that promote personal growth and community engagement. The goal of Hibiscus Focus is to provide high schoolers and students with a platform to share their writing—whether it’s personal essays, class papers, or informational writing. Designed by students and for students, this website celebrates creativity, hard work, and the power of sharing ideas.

My name is Mia and I'm a junior taking the IB Diploma Program. In my free time, I practice Mexican and Peruvian folklorico, and I am part of Girl Scouts Troop 1552. For my IB CAS project, I wanted to create a space where students like me can publish writing that they are proud of. My goal is for this website to become a collection of diverse writings and artworks from students interested in publishing their expressive work.

My name is Beatrice I am a 11th grade student at Dwight school part of the IB program. Outside of school spend most of my free time with playing volleyball and guitar. For this CAS project I’m focusing on the design and marketing of Hibiscus Focus to spread awareness and help people gain access to the website. That way both Dwight students and others can share their writing as well as read others work.